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Portfolio Lounge helps artist in many different categories. Whether your creations are in the arena of Photography, Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Illustration or any of a whole host of others, there is a category for you and your work. Portfolio Lounge enables you to reach a wider audience, get valuable feedback on your work and create a name for yourself, all without worrying about coding, hosting, search engine optimization or any of the other headaches commonly associated with creating an outstanding online portfolio that showcases your work to its best advantage. With a portfolio hosted by Portfolio Lounge, you can make sure your stunning creations are given an equally stunning online setting.

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Mubassam's Portfolio Website

Melbourne, VIC

Freelance Photographer and digital artist. Interested in almost all types of photography especially long exposures and street photography. I do photo composites, photo manipulation, post processing etc. Long story short I love creating pretty pictures in Photoshop, I also run a graphic design page on Instagram called DigitalCrow. Contact me if a you need a graphic designer for advertising or other purposes, or a photographer for events, shoots, product photography etc.

xxxxxx's Portfolio Website


Henry's Portfolio Website


My name is Henry Egan. I am a senior at Emerson College in Boston where I study Marketing. Beyond that, I am an entirely self-taught photographer with a passion for fine art, commercial photography, and advertising.

Yan Qi's Portfolio Website


A self-starter & quick learner who is ambitious and driven, with broad skills and experience in print media, marketing & social media platforms. I am adept at handling multiple tasks on a daily basis. My key strengths are good communication skills, and building strong relationships with people in order to deliver the best results.

Nina's Portfolio Website

Melbourne, Australia

Nina Miranti is an Interior Architect based in Melbourne, Australia. After graduating from Monash University with Bachelor of Interior Architecture (Hons) in 2008, Nina has worked for industry leading firms such as SJB and e2, where she accomplished various retail, hospitality, and commercial projects. Recently joined the Greater Group, Nina enjoys being a part of the creative team, and is now focusing on delivering end-to-end retail solutions. Nina draws inspiration from her daily routine as a commuter in Melbourne city, which led her to design an Airflake tram stop for the Yazz design competition, sending her to the 2012 iSaloni Expo in Milan, Italy after winning first prize. The combination of her professional and travel experiences have expanded her knowledge and appreciation for international design and moulded her into a passionate designer who is dedicated to providing the best solution for her clients.

Joel's Portfolio Website

Huntington Beach, CA

With a solid creative design background in the graphic arts, marketing, merchandise, communications, and photography fields, Joel brings well thought-out creative direction to branded campaigns. He executes consistency throughout all aspects of design, giving the message a strong foundation making for a meaningful impact, as each product and brand comes to life.

Winson's Portfolio Website

Alhambra California

Body Measurements: Height: 6 foot 2 inches Waist : 32 Shoe Size: 11 Hair: Black Eye color: Hazel

Mike's Portfolio Website


Welcome to my brand new LOGO portfolio.

GisselleAvila's Portfolio Website
Nestor's Portfolio Website


Gintare's Portfolio Website


From an early age I was a dreamer fulfilled with persistence. I am sure that for this I should be grateful to the environment that was and still is surrounding me. Whenever I go I take some pieces of magic with me, some immense wish to go further and to take someone with me. To be adventurer. To be someone better than I was yesterday. To discover. To dream and to dream big. To surround myself with positive energy and spread it like I own the "shiny-smiley" factory.

Carlos's Portfolio Website


Freelancer Graphic Designer & futsal player // Likes sports, Apple, design, coffee, ice-cream, chocolate, travel, music // Digital creator at Graphicriver & Creative Market