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Portfolio Lounge helps artist in many different categories. Whether your creations are in the arena of Photography, Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Illustration or any of a whole host of others, there is a category for you and your work. Portfolio Lounge enables you to reach a wider audience, get valuable feedback on your work and create a name for yourself, all without worrying about coding, hosting, search engine optimization or any of the other headaches commonly associated with creating an outstanding online portfolio that showcases your work to its best advantage. With a portfolio hosted by Portfolio Lounge, you can make sure your stunning creations are given an equally stunning online setting.

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TomOakley's Portfolio Website
Elaine's Portfolio Website

Brasil - SP

Designer graduada em Comunicação Social com habilitação em Design Digital. Possuo experiência em criação de mídias impressas e digitais, ilustração e pintura digital. Atualmente me dedico ao aprendizado de Motion Graphics. MEU PORTFÓLIO DE MOTION GRAPHICS:

Angga's Portfolio Website

Bandung, ID

Hi, with me here angga mahardika I love taking pictures of people, but I do not like in the photo. I just feel happy when I'm carrying a camera and started taking pictures. contact me, if you want me to capture your best moments with the greatest people in your life. +62 896 195 111 50

Celine's Portfolio Website

Beirut, Lebanon

"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life", Confucius. My passion for architecture and my big interest for environmental design and urban planning are the main reasons that pushed me to study architecture. During my years of experience as an architect, I have proven myself as a solid passionate, organised, dynamic, motivated and work efficient person. My colleagues define me as a good team player who has excellent communication skills, and can work independently. I speak fluently for languages. All projects shown in my portfolio have been conceived during my architectural studies.

Danny's Portfolio Website

From Brisbane, Australia.

Howdy! My name is Danny Quinn and I'm a highly motivated and versatile creative with 10 years experience in the visual communication industry. If you are looking for a multi-skilled team player with a strong work ethic and a killer attitude, then I am the dude for you!

Matt's Portfolio Website

Bowling Green, KY

Salfa's Portfolio Website

Brunei Darussalam

Daniele's Portfolio Website

São José dos Campos

Maquiagem nunca foi algo presente e ao contrario de muitas meninas não era algo que me encantava. Na adolescência tive a oportunidade de um estagio em uma empresa de terceirização de cosméticos. Com passar do tempo fui me aperfeiçoando e conhecendo produtos, marcas composições de produtos, texturas e cores, que hoje auxilia nas minhas produções. Com a vasta experiência na área resolvi de transmitir todo o conhecimento e ser Maquiadora, para minha surpresa me encantei muito com a Profissão, pois possibilita conhecer pessoas novas e interessantes, atualmente sou proprietária do 1ª espaço de São José dos Campos dedicado a Cursos de Auto Maquiagem para pele Negra, (Damata Makeup) ensinar que maquiagem é algo simples e alcançável, um ambiente totalmente dedicado à beleza. Fique a vontade!!!

Daniel James's Portfolio Website

Cambridge, United Kingdom

Daniel James Harris is a 25 year old freelance writer and digital watercolour artist who resides near to the town of Royston in Hertfordshire with his two black and white moggies called Boots and Charz. Daniel is a self taught digital artist. Ever since owning his first iPad he has used it to create magnificent pieces of artwork. It all just seemed to come naturally after that point. Daniel prefers to imitate watercolours and enjoys painting delicious and naughty calorie ridden foods such as cupcakes and sweets. Juggling his life with looking after his two cats and volunteering at his local primary school, Daniel continues to enjoy painting whenever he gets some time to himself. His attention to detail is reflected in his very impressive and mouthwatering works of art. To draw something is to try to capture it FOREVER, if you really love something, you never try to keep it the way it is forever. You have to let it be free to change. Until next time . . .

Karena's Portfolio Website

Interior Designer with extensive project management experience who specializes in new construction and renovations for residential and commercial applications

Neeraj's Portfolio Website

BArch Architecture - University of Nottingham

I have a particular interest in organic architecture, having been brought up along the East African Coast. My exploration of this theme was taken further when writing my extended essay as I investigated how we can use architecture to bring people and nature closer. I believe my preference for sustainability also complements this design aspect. I enjoy exploring how traditional design can be fused with contemporary ideas to create timeless architecture.

Melisa's Portfolio Website

Karawaci, Tangerang, Indonesia

Hi! I'm Melisa Maya. Once, there were 4 Melisa(s) in my classroom, since then people started to call me Melmay. I'm a graphic designer and this is my online portfolio. For animated artwork, please visit my youtube channel

Ilaria's Portfolio Website

Heavily Inked Model

Phillip's Portfolio Website
Domanska's Portfolio Website

Ukraine, Kiev

Hello there, I'm Marie. I'm 22-years-old. I live in Kiev. I'm graduated at Kiev national Shevchenko's university . I I hav'nt experience designer but all my free time I deal only design. In short, design this's me. The most important thing you need to know about me is that I love create. It doesn't matter on what screen or device. Here you can find some of my personal projects, read the occasional blog post, or find out a bit more about me. If you have questions or suggestions or a project for me, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am happy to answer every request and I am looking forward to accepting and meeting every new challenge.