Typography Portfolios

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Portfolio Lounge helps artist in many different categories. Whether your creations are in the arena of Photography, Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Illustration or any of a whole host of others, there is a category for you and your work. Portfolio Lounge enables you to reach a wider audience, get valuable feedback on your work and create a name for yourself, all without worrying about coding, hosting, search engine optimization or any of the other headaches commonly associated with creating an outstanding online portfolio that showcases your work to its best advantage. With a portfolio hosted by Portfolio Lounge, you can make sure your stunning creations are given an equally stunning online setting.

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Elena's Portfolio Website


I used to be an editor and a cultural mediator, I have been through online communication strategies and international business projects, now I am a social user experience fan and a commited and faithful fashion and lifestyle lover. My wish is to to experience a position for a fashion e-commerce where I'll be able to apply digital product, analytics and copywriting abilities; an occupation where I can make effective use of my online contents management skills, through an intercultural approach and understanding of user behavior as well as developing new strategies of UX improvement and contents sharing. I do look for “the” professional challenge in fashion e-commerce industry.

Nada Ahmed Maher's Portfolio Website

Cairo - Egypt

Soft Skills: Imaginative - Hard worker - works well individually as well as a part of a team - Consistently meet deadlines - Artistic sense - Ability to manage multiple tasks - Effective communication, good listener - Creative problem solving - Team leader when needed - Competitive - Accepting negative feedback - Time management skills - Able to adapt within a high-pressure environment - Brings out the best solution to fit a client needs.

Tyler's Portfolio Website


Tyler is a Chicago-based artist and graphic designer with a multifaceted skill set. His love for the visual arts started at a young age. As long as he has been able to hold a pencil, he has been doodling, sketching, and painting. His talents are diverse, as he began competitive woodworking at age 13. Today he focuses on graphic design and illustration as his primary means of creativity, though his love for a diverse collection of mediums has not withered. He is studying Communications at Moody Bible Institute and is pursuing jobs and further experience as a full-time graphic designer. In his free time, Tyler enjoys playing guitar and riding his fixed gear bicycle.

Katie's Portfolio Website

Cleveland, OH

I am a student attending classes at Cuyahoga Community College in hopes to obtain an Associates of Arts Degree in Graphic Design in December of 2014. My hard work ethic and dedication to detail has gotten me where I am today. Please contact me for any design inquiries. Thanks for viewing my portfolio!

Rokaya's Portfolio Website

My name is Rokaya Gamal and I defined my self as a multimedia designer as my work including (printed , web and animation ), I've graduated in the information Technology institute -"Multimedia track" - in 2010 , then I worked in EELU (Egyptian E-learning University) as a trainee in media department , And then one of the Hard worker graphic team in ELC (E-Learning center -Cairo University) tell july,2013 - , yet I'm Working as Graphic/Web designer at Eracore for Internet Solutions , I found my passion in designs that could talk about itself .

Jackson's Portfolio Website


I’m Jackson Mills. Freelance Graphic Designer & Multimedia Artist in Chicago, IL. My passion is to create beauty through the craft of Graphic Art. I currently freelance my work to others and hope to become more networked in the Chicago area.

Maja's Portfolio Website

Split, Croatia

Pozdrav svima, da se predstavim ... mlada dizajnerica iz Splita, Diplomirala sam na Grafickom fakultetu u Zagrebu - smjer graficki dizajn 2010.g. Vec godinama uzivam radeci i razmisljajuci kako uciniti stvari ljepsima, pa sam tako zadnje tri godine bila zaposlena u jednom grafickom studiju u Splitu gdje sam izucila zanat i napredovala u osmisljavanju i oblikovanju vizuala, te naravno kako funkcionirati timski i pod pritiskom :). Mogu se pohvaliti da su mi nadredeni bili odlicni i da je atmosfera na poslu bila super. Spletom okolnosti financijska situacija u firmi nije bila bas najbolja te smo se dogovorili da se razidemo. Posto imam jos zelje za radom i ucenjem trazim novi posao. Ukoliko imate neku ideju ili zelite nesto novo i svjeze oblikovati, obratite mi se tu sam za Vas :). U meduvremenu da ne iskrivim leda planinarim, putujem po svijetu (Tajland, Kamboda, Singapur, Indonezija, Maroko....) Preporucila bi to predivno iskustvo svakome... Bilo mi je zadovoljsvo posvetiti Vam se !! Nadam se da ce biti jos prilika :). Lijep pozdrav od Maje !

Jeff's Portfolio Website

Woodinville, WA

I\'ve been interested in computer graphics, desktop publishing, brand design, and advertising in one way or another since 1984. Career-wise, I\'ve always been on a marketing track, and that has usually included having some sort of hand in creative and brand development. I currently work as a full-time freelance designer, creating all sorts of marketing collateral and assisting my clients with corporate branding decisions. I particularly enjoy print creative, am diving into web and mobile app design, and I am a pit bull when it comes to branding efforts.

Aria's Portfolio Website


Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe Photoshop. Ubuntu, Corel Suite, Adobe Dreamweaver, Acrobat, Quark, Adobe InDesign

Jacob's Portfolio Website

Wellington New Zealand

Jacob Davies's twenty-two years of design experience encompass independent, boutique to corporate work and across media from digital to print to signage and radio. As an independent designer, he works directly with clients to create, extend and change their corporate identities. A skilled illustrator, editor and typographer he has made numerous transitions through a wide range of design related jobs and with a passion for self learning and discovery he has managed to stay current and on trend with the technology and style of an ever changing industry. Jacob lives and works in Wellington where he is apart owner of an African restaurant and bar that allows him to pursue his interests in design and promotion and utilise his experience and further develop his practical and business skill sets.

FitchAndMe's Portfolio Website

Loves all kind of creativity. Passion for streetart - like really in love with. <br /> <br /> <br /> All rights reserved. Any unauthorised broadcasting, public performance, copying or re-recording will constitute an infringement of copyright. This includes videos, pictures and the logos, which are copyright to fitchandme.

adltgraphicz's Portfolio Website
CreationPlantation's Portfolio Website