Art Direction Portfolios

Personal Portfolio Websites

Portfolio Lounge helps artist in many different categories. Whether your creations are in the arena of Photography, Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Illustration or any of a whole host of others, there is a category for you and your work. Portfolio Lounge enables you to reach a wider audience, get valuable feedback on your work and create a name for yourself, all without worrying about coding, hosting, search engine optimization or any of the other headaches commonly associated with creating an outstanding online portfolio that showcases your work to its best advantage. With a portfolio hosted by Portfolio Lounge, you can make sure your stunning creations are given an equally stunning online setting.

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Colleen's Portfolio Website

Dallas Ft. Worth Metroplex

As a designer/art director with over 20 years experience, I have worked in a variety of industries in the San Francisco Bay Area from retail to tech. I am highly skilled using Apple, Adobe and Microsoft Office products with particular expertise in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Powerpoint and Keynote. A career emphasis in graphic design, branding and customer experience, I have additional interest and work experience in product design, visual merchandising/display, presentation tools, event marketing, sales decks and writing.

Saga's Portfolio Website

Helsinki, Finland

EN: Hi! I\'m Saga Santala, a 25-year-old Collaborative and Industrial Design (MA) student from Aalto University, School of arts, design and architecture. In my studies I focus on service design and strategic design. In my bachelor studies, I have focused on product design, project management, marketing and package design. On my third study year, I was a project manager in a product development project for Wärtsilä. We were a team of 11 people, with multicultural and interdisciplinary backgrounds. My strengths as a project manager and co-worker are responsibility taking, fairness and positive humor. I had my internship as a digital planner/AD-trainee at media agency Dagmar Oy in summer 2014. My work assignments consisted of graphic design and assisting with digital marketing, social media and web-analytics. I enjoy work where I can challenge my self and use my personality. My opinion is, that you learn best by doing! --------------------------------- FI: Olen Saga Santala, 25v. Opiskelen pääaineenani teollista muotoilua Aalto-yliopiston Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulussa. Sivuaineina olen opiskellut pakkaussuunnittelua ja markkinointia. Toimin kolmantena opiskeluvuotenani projektipäällikkönä Wärtsilälle toteutetussa tuotekehitysprojektissa. Olimme 11 henkinen, monikulttuurinen ja poikkitieteellinen tiimi. Vahvuuksiani projektipäällikön tehtävässä ovat vastuuntuntoisuus, oikeudenmukaisuus ja huumori. Suoritin kesällä 2014 työharjoitteluni AD-harjoittelijana mediatoimisto Dagmar Oy:ssa. Työtehtäviini kuuluivat erilaiset graafisen suunnittelun tehtävät. Samalla pääsin näkemään ja avustamaan digimarkkinoinnin, sosiaalisen median ja web-analytiikan työtehtäviä. Työssä haluan ymmärtää asioita monipuolisesti ja hyödyntää persoonaani. Erityisesti innostun tehtävistä, joissa voin jatkuvasti kehittyä ja oppia uutta. Tekemällä oppii parhaiten!

Kaitlin's Portfolio Website

Boulder | Denver

Kelly's Portfolio Website

New Hamburg, ON

As a graphic designer with about 20 years experience I can tell you that design is as my 1st year professor once told us, having an Eye for Detail. Every facet of design holds something within it that I enjoy doing. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with family from movies to trips. I enjoy watching MMA (Mix Martial Arts) and currently hold a brown working towards a black belt in Shotokan karate.

Jillian's Portfolio Website

Quezon City, Philippines

Hello, I'm Jillian Hidalgo and I'm a graphic designer. I like art, designing stuff and my cats.

Priscilla's Portfolio Website


Mikael's Portfolio Website


Hello! I am a Sweden based illustrator/artist/graphic designer. I love to create art, both digitally and by hand, as well as branding and graphic design. Thank you for stopping by, and don't hesitate to contact me if you need artistic help of some sort!

Alexandre's Portfolio Website

From São Paulo - Brazil - Living in Tokyo - Japan

Art Director and Graphic Designer from São Paulo - Brazil Experience: R18 / Clients: Santander, Mapfre, Yamaha, HBO • Wunderman / Clients: Bradesco, Tam, Dell Computers • Buzz / Clients: Santander, DHL, Nokia • Eugenio DDB / Clients: Cyrela, Tecnisa, Abyara • TBWA Brasil / Clients: Absolut Vodka, Apple, Kia Motors. • Owner and graphic designer at Polvo Rosa Books (Illustrated Books and Comics)<br /> <br /> I speak fluent English and basic Japanese.

Monique's Portfolio Website


My name is Monique Earley and from the moment I discovered the beauty and power of design I developed a passion and love for it. As a young designer I balance both the logic and lyricism of humanity every time I design something. In most of my work I have embraced the power of simplicity for a clean design can hold more power than clutter. Modern design is no longer just a problem-solving process, but having the ability to logically, poetically, and telegraphically transfer ideas from one mind to another. I constantly redevelop myself to adapt to any given situation. I have learnt that the fundamental backbone of any good design solution is measured not only by what motivates an audience to think in a particular way, but inspires them to feel a response.

Raphael's Portfolio Website


Syed Azfer's Portfolio Website

Karachi, Islamabad, Dubai, New York

Syed Azfer Iqbal is a project manager, a writer, music producer and arts and sports enthusiast. He is a student of Sufism and works on a variety of Cultural Heritage Preservation projects. Mr. Iqbal has produced several visual and performing arts presentations for audiences in Pakistan and in the U.S. He also works on development projects, advocacy and entrepreneurship initiatives, and community engagement programs. He is particularly interested in projects that use arts and new media for social change. Azfer Iqbal is well versed with key stake holders including civil society, NGOs, think tanks, academia, religious community, government ministries and the arts and cultural industry of the country and also of the region. He is an information technology hobbyist and played key role in developing Pakistan’s first broadband internet group during his previous employment. Mr. Iqbal holds a Master degree in Information Technology and specialization (PMP) in Project Management from PMI USA. He also serves as the Vice President of the Young Rising Stars (YRS) Football Club.

Karl's Portfolio Website

East Norriton, PA

I have been working in the digital print industry for over 15 years doing everything from customer service, project management, production, finishing, page layout, desktop publishing and graphic design.

Elaine's Portfolio Website

Brasil - SP

Designer graduada em Comunicação Social com habilitação em Design Digital. Possuo experiência em criação de mídias impressas e digitais, ilustração e pintura digital. Atualmente me dedico ao aprendizado de Motion Graphics. MEU PORTFÓLIO DE MOTION GRAPHICS:

Karyn's Portfolio Website


My name is Karyn. I'm a graphic designer currently working for Brand Collective on Hush Puppies, Volley, Mossimo, Julius Marlow, Clarks and Superdry. Sometimes I design for print, sometimes I create digital solutions, sometimes I stare out of the window at passing ships. I can work with anyone and love developing productive collaborations. Looking for a designer? Let's talk.

Alex's Portfolio Website

Alex has two main passions in life - photography and automobiles. His photographic work has covered everything from sport to studio, and being a well rounded hobbyist mechanic, he enjoys working closely with the vehicles hands-on and behind the scenes. Alex is currently working as a freelance Automotive Photographer and Inventory Manager for franchise automotive dealerships, and is available for hire full or part time.

Rik's Portfolio Website

England, North East

Photography portfolio of Rik Ellerby, whatever I want photography, see through my eyes. An ongoing project of subjects that the photographer finds interesting and is a document of his personal non commercial photography. Rik is an experienced photographer covering major genres of photography from fashion, wedding and fine art to corporate and commissions and everything in the middle. Rik retouches all of his own images using the latest Adobe Photoshop CC post processing software and photographs with a range of Cameras, Digital mirror less, DSLR Digital Single Lens Reflex cameras, and iPhone camera. Canon or Nikon??? Neither; Rik is a loyal disciple of Pentax favouring the better build quality, advanced technology offering value for money and added features not available with equivalent bodies from other brands. Rik believes Pentax offer far more bang for his buck and all models punch far above their weight. Rik currently shoots with a Pentax Q10, Pentax K30 and Pentax K3. This portfolio showcases the personal photography of Rik Ellerby. "I love just shooting for me, not having to meet anyone else’s expectaions, not having to worry about rules and admitting that sometimes those accidental shots can be the most interesting” Over time this portfolio will grow exponentially, feel free to browse and I hope you enjoy.